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Seven of Swords as Feelings for EX

    Seven of Swords as Feelings for EX
    Seven of Swords as Feelings for EX

    Seven of Swords as Feelings for EX

    At the moment he feels doubt and fear. Generally, Seven of Swords as feelings for EX means that he is not ready to reveal his feelings, even if he has them for you. He doesn’t want you to know about it.

    And if you are asking whether he thinks of you, Seven of Swords will answer that the thought of you does not leave him. Therefore, he can follow you furtively and find out information about you. He may think about some plans, how to see you like by chance.

    Seven of Swords as EX’s feelings means that at the moment, he might have many plans in his head about you, in order to take actions that he would not have dared to do before. But fear and uncertainty may not allow him to implement his plans. The feeling that again nothing will come of it just haunts him.

    The card can also mean that he secretly and furtively left your relationship. He thinks a lot and feels doubts about whether he did the right thing. But the fear of doing something and the understanding of the futility of actions fetter him. He can only think and reflect.

    On the other hand, depending on your current relationship, he may feel that he should be smarter or more flexible with you at the moment.

    You may learn the meaning of the Seven of Swords as feelings and does he love you, the meaning of the Seven of Swords in a relationship, the meaning of the Seven of Swords in a love reading including answers to questions about his thoughts, intentions and more.

    Seven of Swords as EX Feelings if you broke up a long time ago

    If you have been apart for a long time and especially if you are already in a different relationship or for some other reasons, then Seven of Swords as feelings for EX, in this case, may mean that he feels that you no longer belong to him and he has no right to even think about you, especially he has no right to demonstrate his feelings for you.

    Seven of Swords as Ex feelings if you broke up recently

    In this case, this card can have multiple meanings. To be specific, I would recommend pulling 1 more card for accuracy.

    On the one hand, Seven of Swords in this case may indicate that he may be the one who provoked your breakup. And most likely his plan was tricky and not honest enough. Therefore, in such a situation, Seven of Swords as feelings after the breakup means that now he feels fear so that you could not learn about all that. After all, this card can mean an escape from the familiar environment – this is how the person pictured on the card runs away from his camp.

    On the other hand, he can worry and think about plans for how to meet and talk with you. Swords are not about feelings and emotions but about reason, clarification, and communication. Therefore, in this case, Seven of Swords as feelings after the breakup mean that he feels the need to arrange a meeting with you. But so that it was not in the open. He considers how to do it without you guessing anything.

    Another meaning of the Seven of Swords after the breakup is that he may feel that you no longer belong to him. And he feels like he’s borrowed something that didn’t belong to him in the first place. It can be about you if you were in a secret relationship, or about your feelings if you loved another.

    Also, the card may mean that he feels that all actions and tricks were in vain and still led to a disastrous result – your separation. He feels that there is no point in taking further steps in relation to you and nothing will work out. But it is also a card that signifies hope and readiness for unorthodox actions. Time will show.

    Seven of Swords as Does he miss me

    Seven of Swords as Does he miss me means that he is clearly missing you. Thoughts of you filled his head. At the same time, he has doubts and fears in his thoughts, not only your image.

    On the other hand, this card means that he may get bored and think that being with you together is possible only thanks to tricks and cunning. Or that it is impossible to be in an open relationship with you and must be kept secret.

    Seven of Swords as Does he miss me can also mean that he may also miss you secretly so that no one will know. He may be missing you and at the same time making attempts to secretly see you somewhere or secretly find out some information about you. In general, it is not easy for him now.

    This card also has a meaning that he may miss you and think that you no longer belong to him. And the only way to be together is to steal you, but the fear of failure tells him – no, this is not an option.

    Seven of Swords as reconciliation

    Seven of Swords as reconciliation means that he is contemplating plans on how to approach you. He does not want you to suspect and know about it. Therefore, he is set to do everything by chance, so that you do not guess that it was planned by him. He plans some tricks or non-standard actions.

    Seven of Swords as Will he come back means that his plans may not come true because of fear and doubt. Because of the uncertainty that everything will work out, and will not lead to the well-known result – splitting with you again. When he thinks about reconciliation, such thoughts immediately fill his head. And he is simply unable to act actively. Therefore, the card does not unambiguously answer this question. And the card advises you to let the situation go.

    General Meaning of Seven of Swords
    General Meaning of Seven of Swords

    Here are brief traditional meanings of the Seven of Swords in general readings:

    • Vain actions
    • Your doubts are very strong
    • Fear
    • Creative, even tricky, way of thinking and acting

    The Seven of Swords reminds you of wisdom and caution in any business, you should not reveal your plans to anyone, and your frankness can turn against you yourself. The Seven of Swords hints that each person brings new truth into the world and each of us meets with new mysteries.

    This card can indicate an easy way out or escape from annoying duties. Or it may hint that for certain situations it is necessary for you to be more cunning or tricky, more treacherous, and more flexible.

    Constantly thinking and analyzing, you will finally understand that sometimes when making decisions you are led not by your sound mind, but by your fears. Especially fears that you will do something wrong and no matter what area of life concerns the question you are interested in, the Seven of Swords in any case might mean vain actions.

    The sevens of minor arcana act primarily as a symbol of a feeling of fear. That fear is so deep inside that you have already developed a certain model of behavior – similar to the man’s behavior pictured on the card. Breaking out, fear tells you, what if this time it’s all in vain, I’ve been unlucky before, and again something will happen that I can’t handle.

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