You may learn the meaning of the Six of Swords as feelings for EX and does he love you, the meaning of the Six of Swords in a relationship, the meaning of the Six of Swords in a love reading including answers to questions about his thoughts, intentions and more.
Six of Swords as “How does he feel about me?”
If you just met, then Six of Swords as “How does he feel about me?” means that for him this feeling is something new, but at the same time it also causes anxiety. He is not calm because he is not sure where this will lead to.
6 of Swords as “Does he love me?”
6 of Swords as “Does he love me?” means that yes, he loves and feels the desire to move on in the relationships with you and develop them, and move to a new level. He is ready to act and be that very ferryman in case if you are not sure and feel anxiety.
Six of Swords as feelings for someone
Six of Swords as feelings for someone means that he may not be sure of his feelings, or he may not be sure of your feelings for him. After all, on the card, we do not see the emotions and feelings of the depicted people. At the same time, there is a subconscious feeling that everything is going for the better because the sea is calm and does not portend storms and anxiety is dispelled. Therefore, now he is trying more logically to think everything over and understand his feelings for you.
Six of Swords as feelings if you have been together for a long time
If you have been together for a long time, then most likely Six of Swords as feelings means that in his feelings now there is a desire to introduce novelty and changes in the relations with you. He would like something new and more positive. Perhaps even he feels that he needs to move to a new level of relationship. But getting these new things is associated with anxiety and uncertainty about what will happen next.
Six of Swords as feelings towards someone in the inharmonious relationship
If you have constant conflicts in a relationship, then Six of Swords as feelings towards someone can sometimes mean that he feels that it is time to leave this tense situation and that your relationship has already come to an end. And it’s time for each of you to go his or her own way apart from each other.
Brief Background and General Meaning of the Six of Swords
After the crisis that we experienced on the 5 of Swords card, the suit continues. This means that we are still overcoming this crisis, at the very least, and are setting off for unknown shores.
On the card, we see a woman with a child and a ferryman who is taking them to the other side. We see them from the back, we do not see what emotions they have, what feelings and state. Therefore, the Six of Swords can have a whole range of meanings.
The most obvious meaning is, of course, the journey, the trip, the movement towards the new. But it doesn’t have to be a real trip.
The Six of Swords means also the virtual journey. That is, the Six of Swords suggests that you can simply surf on the Internet visiting various sites, or you can sit on social networks and communicate with a large number of people.
The Six of Swords, like all six of the minor arcana, including the Major Arcana Lovers, is also an exchange of information. All sixes mean interacting with people.
Thus, the general meaning of the Six of Swords is
- changes, transition
- leaving the stress zone
- attempt to overcome difficulties
- interest in the well-being of others
- uncertainty about the future
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