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Tarot Nine of Wands as Feelings for Ex or Present Partner

    In this post, I will tell you my opinion of what the Nine of Wands means, in particular, the Nine of Wands as feelings. And I will also describe all the love meanings of this card in your love tarot readings.

    The Nine of Wands as feelings means that his heart is full of pains from the past. And to learn how it might influence your relationship – read the post to the end.

    You’ll also get your personal free readings about “How does he feel about me?”, “Does he love me?”, etc. To see – scroll down the article.

    As for spreads for beginners, I recommend 1 card love spread. Or you may try a very simple spread “Does he miss me” here. If you are interested to learn more and see the development of your relationship use 3 card spread. Keep in mind that your attitude is very important.

    Take a look at the love meanings of the Major Arcana here.

    General Meaning of the Upright 9 of Wands in Love and Relationships

    I will now try to explain to you the meaning of this card based on my associations with the images that we see on the card.

    On the card, we see a young man who hid behind a palisade of eight wands. This means that the wands pictured on the card Eight of Wands landed after a swift and hasty flight. In his hands, he holds the ninth wand.

    When I first saw this card, the first thing I noticed was the headband. And that bloody trail from the wound. The wound has not yet healed and hurts. And in the soul of this person, it also hurts, because his face is sad and wary.

    So, the understanding of the state of this man and what is pictured on the card that all gives the clue to the meaning of the 9 of Wands card.

    That is, we see that this person is wise by experience. He was injured, the wound is still fresh and as a result, now he does not trust anyone, he is in a state of readiness to defend himself.

    The young man is fenced off from the world with this palisade of wands so that no one can penetrate it. He is very careful. Therefore, this card means fenced off from people, caution, and prudence.

    So the general meaning of the Nine of Wands in card reading is:

    • hurtful past experience
    • readiness to defend himself
    • fenced off from people, caution, prudence

    You may also take a look at the love meaning of Ace of Wands, Two of Wands, Three of Wands, Four of Wands, Five of Wands, Six of Wands, Seven of Wands, Eight of Wands, Nine of Wands, Ten of Wands

    Upright Nine of Wands as Feelings in Love Tarot Card Reading

    Nine of Wands as feelings

    Tarot Nine of Wands as Will I find my new love?

    Nine of Wands as new love means that you will not meet a new love. And the reason is that you are not ready at the moment to open up to new people and make contact with strangers. You still don’t let go of old grudges, old defeats. You think about that past experience constantly. And this does not allow you to open up to new relationships. 

    And the worst thing is that you have consciously chosen this attitude toward your life at the moment. Therefore, living in the past, you risk not seeing the present and the future.

    Tarot Nine of Wands as feelings. Nine of Wands as How he feels about me?

    Nine of Wands as feelings means that he feels distrust towards you. This distrust may be based on some past events in your life, on the experience that he had with you, and which impressed him unpleasantly.

    Perhaps in the past, he had a negative experience with someone else and is now not ready to open up to new feelings. Therefore, he is in tension right now and in anticipation that something unpleasant will happen. And he is ready to defend.

    In fact, he feels lonely and because of past grievances, and wounds of defeat, he is not ready and cannot surrender to feelings.

    Will he confess his love?

    Nine of Wands as a confession in love means that he will not confess his love. 

    And the card does not mean that the reason for this is that he does not love you. The card means that the reason for this is his bitter experience. 

    Perhaps he had similar situations in the past where he got burned and now he is not ready to do anything so as not to get a new wound again. After all, his old wounds have not yet healed.

    Is he a good match / partner for me? Is he the one?

    If you are asking about your partner if he is a good one for you, the Nine of Wands means that this person has a negative experience of past relationships and he has not forgotten it yet. He remembers it all, he worries. 

    So, the relationship with him will be quite difficult for you. You cannot force a person to live in the future or even in the present if he is always in the past and lives his grievances.

    He has now built certain boundaries and it will not be easy for you to pass them. But it is not impossible. It is up to you to decide how much this person is important to you and whether you are ready to live through his past disappointments with him.

    Will he make a marriage proposal?

    Nine of Wands as marriage proposal means that he is not ready to propose to you now. 

    At the moment, he has built boundaries and is not ready to let anyone close into his world. He is wary and fears that this can lead to negative consequences for him. And all this is the result of his past unpleasant experience. 

    He needs to be given time to get through this. Sometimes people live in their past for the rest of their lives…

    Upright Nine of Wands as Feelings of Your Ex in Tarot Card Reading

    Nine of Wands as feelings for Ex

    Tarot Nine of Wands: Does my Ex love me? How does my ex feel about me?

    Nine of Wands as feelings for an EX means that he has a feeling when he doesn’t love you anymore, but he still can’t forget you and get rid of you in his head either. For some people, this might be true love.

    This feeling is aching and doesn’t bring joy to him. It is a feeling that hurts him. And the wound still won’t heal. And the pain never subsides.

    Does my Ex remember me? Does he miss me?

    Nine of Wands as does he miss me means that he definitely cannot forget you and remembers you all the time. But his thoughts are not filled with romantic and warm feelings for you.

    He remembers the wounds that you inflicted on him (perhaps without even realizing it) and cannot heal these wounds in any way.

    Will my Ex come back?

    Nine of Wands as reconciliation means that he treats your relationship with great pain. He still cannot recover from the negative experience that he received. 

    Thus, he is not ready to come back to you. At least during the period asked. 

    He’s still in pain. And he is very afraid of repeating this. And he built borders and fences and does not want to let anyone into his soul. Although the thought of this relationship with you does not let him go and does not bring him joy.

    Upright Nine of Wands Meaning for Relationship Analysis. Nine of Wands as Outcome after Break-Up.

    If you are in a relationship, then the Nine of Wands means loneliness together. Or it may say that you or your partner has gone into himself, or that the person does not trust his partner, and he needs some piece of his personal space in which he could be alone.

    If you have been together for a long time Nine of Wands as relationship analysis means that you have experienced a lot during this time and you can’t forgive and let go some pains of yours. You are tormented by memories of past negative events. You cannot resolve them. But it’s hard for you to live with this understanding. Therefore, you are increasingly moving away from each other. There is a wall of distrust and misunderstanding between you.

    Nine of Wands after breakup means that you offended each other and are now experiencing these grievances. It’s hard for both of you. But none of you is ready to make contact, because the wounds are still very fresh and sore. You move away from each other and are not ready to make contact. Both you and he are now in a defensive position. Any movement of the partner will entail stiff resistance.

    Nine of Wands as an outcome of the relationship means that you will live with past grievances and past negative experiences for a long time to come. This will not make it possible for you to build harmonious relations within the asked period. And the relationships will not develop much, because there is a fear that something negative might happen, which has already happened in the past.


    Here I tried to summarize everything and give you very brief information in the table below.

    Nine of Wands as feelings and in Love ReadingsYour reading
    Will I find new love?No
    Does he love me? How he feels about me?His heart hurts
    Will he confess his love?No, but not because he doesn’t love you
    Is he a good partner for me?Depends upon your readiness to overcome difficulties
    Will he make a marriage proposal?Not really
    Does my Ex love me?It’s a strong feeling, but not true love in sense
    Does he miss me? Does he remember me?Yes
    Will he come back?Not sure

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