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Temperance as Feelings for EX or Present Partner

    The Temperance Tarot feelings

    Temperance Tarot as feelings sometimes causes trouble in interpretation. But if we keep it simple, it is a card in the deck that denotes a conservative approach within agreed limits and the habitual situation in any field of life.

    Temperance as feelings means that generally, everything is ok, he has feelings for you, but his way of love may be not what you really want. And that is not bad at all! The meaning of the Tarot Temperance in love spreads and love tarot readings – your relationship flows smoothly without any ups and downs. This situation might have been for quite a long period of time. In the nearest time, nothing new is going to happen that could change your habitual way of living in your relationship.

    If you want to learn exact answers to your questions about love and relationship in case you got the Temperance – follow my thoughts in this post.

    As for spreads for beginners, I recommend 1 card love spread. If you are interested to learn more and see the development of your relationship use 3 card spread. Keep in mind that your attitude is very important.

    In my spreads I use this Tarot deck, you may check it here.

    You may also take a look at the love meaning of the Fool, the Magician, the High Priestess, the Empress, the Emperor, the Hierophant, the Lovers, the Chariot, the Strength, the Hermit, the Wheel of Fortune, the Justice, the Hanged Man, the Death, the Temperance, the Devil, the Tower, the Star, the Moon, the Sun.

    Temperance Tarot ex feelings

    General Meaning of the Temperance in the Upright Position

    The angel in the picture of the Temperance is named symbolically Time. He or she is keeping two cups in the hands – the past and the future. And is pouring the present life from the cup to the cup. This card means time. And taking into account that the angel is not moving in the picture, it denoted slow time passing.

    If you got the Temperance it means that you are able to strike a happy balance in any field of your life, initially between psychic and material natures. This card will also characterize you as a person who knows where to draw the line. You are extremely good at getting the proportions right. For example, this card may describe a pastry chef who knows and keeps the proportions to cook a delicious dessert.

    The white garment symbolizes purity. And the big red wings refer to life and the powers it gives. The fact that the garment and wings are equal in size in the picture tells that there is no excessive use of any life resource – everything is balanced.

    Also, this card is called a card of art and creative works, that needs time and a very attentive approach to work and takes time. Because the angel in the picture is mixing substances, he is in the process of creation.

    The Temperance encourages you to be patient. It is not a situation when somebody restricts you on purpose. It is a necessary period of waiting when it seems that time has stopped.  The Temperance denotes that you have to use this time with benefit for yourself while you are waiting. Think of your life, your needs, and desires, what you have and what you lack, and what you have to do.

    The general meaning of the Tarot Temperance in the everyday life is

    • setting limits
    • slow passing of time
    • striking a balance and good proportions in any field of your life
    • no active actions, need to wait

    Upright Temperance as Feelings and Love Meaning in Tarot Card Reading

    In my spreads, I use this Tarot deck, you may check it here.

    Will I find my love?

    Here I cover the meaning that is usually used for a one-card spread for singles with only one question.

    The Temperance as new love denotes that you’ll meet your new love. But be patient it is not going to happen soon. Also, it is not going to be a passionate relationship but rather weighed-up and balanced within agreed limits.

    So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Temperance as divination to question “Will I find a new love” as “Yes, you will”.

    Does he love me? How does he feel about me?

    The upright Temperance as feelings and Temperance as How does he feel about me? Does he love me? means yes, he loves you. At the same time, his love for you is too calm and balanced, perhaps even more than needed. There are no bright and deep feelings. He is very skimpy in his emotions and feelings as well as in expressing and demonstrating them. So that you might think that he doesn’t care about you.

    If it is ok for you, great. But be careful love is not compatible with boredom that might be present in your current relationship.

    So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Temperance as feelings and as an answer to the question “Does he love me? How does he feel about me?” as “Yes, he loves you, but his way of love may be not what you really want.”

    Will he confess his love? 

    If you got the Temperance in your spread as an answer to this question – the prediction is no, he will not confess.

    In this case, the card is not telling you whether he loves you or not. This card shows a very conservative person, who is not eager to bring anything new into his life. And it is the main reason.

    So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Temperance as divination to question “Will he confess his love?” as “No, he won’t.”

    Is he a good match / partner for me? Is he the one?

    If you get the Temperance you deal with a person, who is accurate, neat, scrupulous, decent, conscientious, calm, diligent, thrifty. With all these positive features you should keep in mind that he is eager to set limits in any sphere of life including relationships for himself as well as for others.

    Also, the Temprerance denotes a person who doesn’t have leadership skills. So be ready to make important and serious decisions and actions in your life by yourself as your partner is not able to do that.

    Sometimes a relationship with such a person might seem boring and not vivid.  As he tries to live his usual life and is not ready to bring changes into it.

    So, he is a good match if you accept all the written above information and don’t feel uncomfortable from what you learned. And he is not a good match for you if you are not ready to live within limits and are fond of rapid changes and constantly learning new things.

    So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Temperance as divination to question “Is he a good match / partner for me? Is he the one?” as “Yes or no, depends upon your type of personality.”

    Will he make a marriage proposal?

    The Temperance as a marriage predicts that he is not going to make a marriage proposal to you.

    As you remember, the Temperance means balance and comfort in habitual life. And that means that the current situation in your relationship, as it is now, suits your partner. He wants to continue your relationship in the way it exists now. And he doesn’t feel a need to change something. Don’t think that he might change his mind soon. That will not happen quickly as this card is slow.

    So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Temperance as divination to question “Will he make a marriage proposal?” as “No, he will not.”

    Upright Temperance as Feelings for Ex after Break-up in Tarot Card Reading

    Does my Ex love me?

    Temperance as feelings for Ex means that he doesn’t love you. He might demonstrate some attention to you, but not because of his feelings but rather because of his addiction to searching and studying in order to satisfy his interest. But most likely he has indifferent and icy feelings for you.

    So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Temperance as feelings for Ex and as an answer to the question “Does my Ex love me?” as “No, he doesn’t.”

    Does he think of me? Does he miss me?

    The Temperance as Does he miss me means that in this case means that he has no feelings and emotions for you. So he doesn’t miss you for sure.

    As for Temperance as thoughts, there are two options. First, he doesn’t think of you because you are not within his habitual circle of people he deals with. Second, he might think of you because of some preplanned activities connected with you (like a birthday of your common child, pet, etc.). And of course, not because he has feelings for you.

    So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Temperance as divination to question “Does my Ex remember me? Does my Ex miss me?” as “No, he doesn’t.”

    Will my Ex come back?  

    As mentioned above the Temperance denotes a situation when he is not eager to change anything or bring something new into his life. So the Temperance as reunion has an obvious prediction, he will not come back to you.

    Also, take this card as a sign for you. It means that you have to take your time, wait, reflect on your life and what you want in life. Very possible that the Temperance as reconciliation points to you that your ex’s come-back is not really what you want.

    So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Temperance as divination to question “Will my Ex come back?” as “No, he will not.”

    Upright Temperance Meaning for Relationship Analysis. Temperance as Outcome

    The Temperance as relationship analysis means that you have a very calm relationship. You know each other very well and know the characters and habits of each other. That all denotes that you have harmony and balance in your relationship. Not only in the emotional aspect but also in your daily routine. I would say that you have distributed your duties in your partnership very wisely. The Temperance as an outcome means that you feel comfortable in your relationship as well as your partner does.

    At the same time, the Temperance means that windy passion and vivid emotions faded in your relationship.  It is quite a risky situation as the relationship might become dead without emotions. So think of this aspect. Perhaps you have to work on your relationship right now.

    So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Temperance as the analysis of your relationship is “Calmness and smoothness are not always good.

    If any of your questions are left unanswered – let me know. You may write a message on the contact form of this website.

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