I once made a ‘yes and no’ spread about Ex’s feelings for my friend and got a Hanged Man. The picture of the card was quite understandable and intuitively it was easy to interpret. So I did that, just said ‘no’ to her question. And here in this post, I want to dive deeper into all the aspects of the meaning of this card in order to learn more about why ‘no’. Here is a brief meaning of the Arcanum.
The meaning of the Taro Arcanum Hanged Man as feelings in love readings – your relationships and feelings are in a suspended mode now, and no good change is going to happen in the nearest future. You should use this time for self-reflection and finding your new values in life and love. Especially if you are in a victim role now.
If you want to learn exact answers to your questions about love and relationship in case you got the Hanged Man – follow my thoughts in this post.
For those who don’t have time for reading the whole article, I prepared a very brief summary of questions and answers according to the Hanged Man love tarot meaning in one word.
As for spreads for beginners, I recommend 1 card love spread. If you are interested to learn more and see the development of your relationship use 3 card spread. Keep in mind that your attitude is very important.
You may also take a look at the love meaning of the Fool, the Magician, the High Priestess, the Empress, the Emperor, the Hierophant, the Lovers, the Chariot, the Strength, the Hermit, the Wheel of Fortune, the Justice, the Hanged Man, the Death, the Temperance, the Devil.

General Meaning of the Hanged Man in the Upright Position
Let’s start with the picture of the card. The impression I get from the card has nothing in common with happiness and joy. The situation depicted in the card is very unpleasant. Still, the green leaves give me a chance of some hope for the better.
Look at the face of the hanged man – there is no suffering or despair. The face is calm and peaceful. And that is why I have a feeling that he has adopted a victim role voluntarily and consciously. Literally, it means that in order to get something he needs, he is ready to sacrifice his interests, ideas, desire, feelings, etc. A good example of that could be mothers, who are ready to sacrifice everything in favor of their children.
What does the Hanged Man need actually? Look at the yellow rays around his head – he needs clarification of his mind and enlightenment, an understanding of his role in this world, and finding new values. And in this aspect, you’ll see some similarities between the Highest Priestess and the Hermit.
Of course, it is a passive card. I am sure there is no doubt why. So things are not going to happen fast.
He is wearing red pants. Usually, the red color is a symbol of passion, life, and desires. But in the case of the Hanged Man, we have suppressed passion and desires.
The general meaning of the Tarot Hanged Man in the everyday life is
- Adopting a victim role voluntarily
- Readiness to sacrifice your interests
- Things are not going to happen fast
- Suspended mode, feeling of being tired
- Suppressing passions and desires
Upright Hanged Man Prediction in Questions about Love and Feelings
In my spreads, I use this Tarot deck, you may check it here.
Tarot Hanged Man: Will I meet my love?
Here I cover the meaning that is usually used for a one-card spread for singles with only one question.
I am sure you already know the answer to the question taking into account the general meaning of the card. The Hanged Man as new love means that you will not meet or find your new love in the nearest future. The Hanged Man denotes stagnation and that’s why nothing new is going to happen.
Also as the card is a very slow one, you’ll stay alone for a minimum of six months. Some readers tell 12 months because it is the twelfth Arcanum. But I stick to the opinion of 6 months. We have green leaves on the card and thus there is hope for better.
So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Hanged Man as divination to question “Will I meet a new love” as “No, you will not meet your love in the nearest future, at least within the nearest six months”.
Tarot Hanged Man: Does he love me? How much does he love me?
It is not easy to give a simple answer to this question if the Hanged Man appears. As a rule, I pull out one more card to make the divination clear. Still, if you have only one card in your spread the Hanged Man will tell you the following.
In some cases, the Hanged Man as feelings denotes unrequited love. And you might be the one who loves but doesn’t meet reciprocity.
Another possible situation is that you sacrifice your interests in favor of your partner and feel like a victim in this relationship. And of course, in this context, the Hanged Man as feelings means that his love is not evident at all.
And in general, the Hanged Man as how he feels about me denotes that his love and feelings tend to fade, and he is not ready to develop this relationship.
Don’t be upset, the Hanged Man urges you to review your values and understanding of your role in this world. So use your time not for suffering but for self-analysis.
So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Hanged Man as divination to question “Does he love me? How much does he love me?” as “No, he doesn’t love you.”
Tarot Hanged Man: Will he confess his love?
If you get the Hanged Man the answer is obvious – he will not confess his love. Because this card means a pause and stagnation. And that refers to his desire to confess even if he had such a wish previously.
Another aspect of the meaning of this card is that he might be tired of your relationship. But at the moment he is not able to change anything. And that might be the reason why there will be no confession.
One more interpretation is quite rare but has sense. He might confess his love. But not because he loves you. He wants to use your relationship for his own benefit. So, don’t believe him, if that happens.
I am sure you remember that this card is slow, so be ready that such a situation will last at least six months.
So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Hanged Man as divination to question “Will he confess his love?” as “No, he won’t and if he will – don’t believe him.”
Tarot Hanged Man: Is he a good match / partner for me? Is he the one?
If you got the Hanged Man to this question, you are more likely to not have any choice. As if it were the last chance of yours to be with a man. And you are ready for any sacrifices just to not stay alone. In such a situation it is really very doubtful if he is a good match.
Or that might be another situation. If you are now in a relationship that brings you a feeling of a victim and you do not have the power or strength to change something. So, I would definitely not recommend you to stay with this partner. He is not the one, for sure.
Of course, if you consider that it is normal for a woman to adopt a victim role in the relationship, then there might be a chance. But think it over one more time. Do you really want that?
So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Hanged Man as divination to question “Is he a good match / partner for me? Is he the one?” as “No, he is not unless you believe that being a victim is ok.”
Tarot Hanged Man: Will he make a marriage proposal?
If he still hasn’t made a marriage proposal, the Hanged Man as marriage tells you that this situation will be on the suspended mode and nothing is going to change within at least six months.
It might be quite possible that his wish to make a proposal faded. And he is not going to change that.
Again, another meaning might be that he would make a marriage proposal because he has some hidden interest, usually some material benefit. And in this case, you’ll become a victim. And he will also make a sacrifice of his real feelings because of his ignoble purposes. Not a good situation for both of you.
So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Hanged Man as divination to question “Will he make a marriage proposal?” as “No, he will not and if he will – don’t believe him.”
Upright Hanged Man as Feelings for Ex
Tarot Hanged Man: Does my Ex love me?
This card has a clear answer: No, he doesn’t love you. The Hanged Man as feelings for Ex means that his feelings (even if they were) to you are in stagnation mode now. To tell the truth, when he thinks of you- the only feeling he has is a feeling of being tired and exhausted.
Also, the Hanged Man predicts fading of the feelings. And in the case of Ex, it is quite often that with the time of your separation his feelings already died. And at the moment no love is present.
If you still have to communicate with each other, for example, because you have common children, the Hanged Man doesn’t change its meaning. He still doesn’t love you. And he keeps in touch with you just because he has to. It is kind of his sacrifice.
So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Hanged Man as divination to the question “Does my Ex love me?” as “No, he doesn’t.”
Hanged Man: Does he think of me? Does he miss me?
Hanged Man as thoughts means that he thinks of you. But not because of love. His memory is full of unpleasant moments in your relationship. He might still have a feeling of being a victim in your relationship. Or that he had to sacrifice so many things.
Hanged Man as Does he miss me will tell you “No, he doesn’t miss you”. Actually, the Hanged Man tells that he has psychological tiredness when he thinks of your relationship.
So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Hanged Man as divination to question “Does my Ex remember me? Does my Ex miss me?” as “Yes, he remembers you. But he doesn’t miss you.”
Tarot Hanged Man: Will my Ex come back?
The Hanged Man as reconciliation means that your Ex will not come back. At least he doesn’t want that. Because your relationships seem to be an oppressive burden to him. He has a strong desire to not continue the relationships and has no wish to develop and maintain them.
The only reason he might come back is when he feels committed, for example, to fulfill his role of a good father for your common children. Again it is a case when he sacrifices his desires and interests and becomes a victim.
So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Hanged Man as divination to question “Will my Ex come back?” as “No, he will not.”
Upright Hanged Man Meaning for Relationship Analysis
Several variants are possible to describe your relationships if you got the Hanged Man.
Firstly, the Hanged Man as relationship analysis means that one of you is ready to sacrifice your relationships because of some more decent goals. It is not about other relationships. More likely because of material benefit or (which is very rare) higher ideas.
Secondly, your relationships ran out of steam and there is no desire from one of the partners to continue working at the development of the relationships. You or your partner do not get happiness, but inner discomfort staying together.
Thirdly, one of you might be tired of the love of the second partner. This situation is very similar to unrequited love.
In any case, the Hanged Man as an outcome doesn’t denote any breakup. More likely you will continue living in such relationships.
So, the meaning and interpretation of the upright Hanged Man as the analysis of your relationship is “Your relationships ran out of steam.”
You may also take a look at the love meaning of the Fool, the Magician, the High Priestess, the Empress, the Emperor, the Hierophant, the Lovers, the Chariot, the Strength, the Hermit, the Wheel of Fortune, the Justice, the Hanged Man, the Death, the Temperance, the Devil.
If any of your questions are left unanswered – let me know. You may write a message on the contact form of this website.
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